There are haters in the world, and you have to know who you are to be confident in the battle.
You also need to know who you are not.
You can not have a resurrection without a crucifixion.
When you do purpose work, not just busy work, you are going to come under attack.
Your past will identify the audience who is not only willing to receive you but is willing to pay for you.
You can rebound from anything.
When you bash other people’s past it’s because you can’t accept your past.
Learn to recognize what’s worth fighting, and what’s worth leaving alone.
If you want to read sections of the Bible, focus on Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John.
It’s important to be willing to grow and evolve.
Just because you start in one place, spiritually, doesn’t mean you have to stay there.
Loyalty has an expiration date.
Your past, pain and passion will help you define your purpose.
Pay attention to the people who have a problem with you saying no.
No one who is successful has had an easy past, everyone has had to go through something.
"When you bash other people’s past it’s because you can’t accept your past."
"Pay attention to the people who have a problem with you saying no."
"Loyalty has an expiration date."